Jacalyn Duncan is Founder and Director of Hypno Practique. On March 2, 2023 she became an Honors Graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute ‘HMI’ Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy through their 720-Hour Clinical Hypnotherapy Training Program; obtaining her Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma with Honors. During the first year of her studies she additionally received recognition through earning all three of HMI College’s awards of excellence; Director’s Award, Academic Achievement Award, and the Clinical Achievement Award for the graduating class of 2023. She also took home a ribbon for becoming Neuro-Linguistic Programming ‘NLP’ Practitioner and Certified Specialist in Mental and Emotional Release® Therapy.

Following her success of her first year of study, Jacalyn immediately enrolled in HMI’s 720-Hour Associates of Occupational Studies ‘AOS’ Mind-Body Psychology Degree Program; where she tirelessly maintained her educational standard of excellence with a strong 4.0 GPA. On April 8, 2024 she became an Honors Graduate of the AOS Mind-Body Psychology Degree Program, which elevated her credential to a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist ‘CCHt’. Throughout her education with HMI, Jacalyn has consistently devoted herself to not just her own success, but offering support and encouragement to her peers, colleagues, and the staff and faculty of HMI with the interest of the overall success within the field of hypnotherapy.

Jacalyn is also a Certified Advanced Handwriting Analyst ‘CAHA’, and uses this skillset regularly in her client sessions. This skill provides her with an ability to read and translate the ideomotor traits of a person’s subconscious, offering a detailed snapshot of the writer’s personality, behavior, tendencies and so much more, at the time of writing. Which significantly aids her in seeing how and where she is able to possibly assist her clientele. It is also a service she offers professionally to corporations, organizations, and agencies separate from her services as a hypnotherapist. Should a hypnotherapy client request a full evaluation on their handwriting, it can be arranged for a additional fee, separate from their session fee.

The mission in her practice is to significantly reduce and manage emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms; for an effective Pain Management and Trauma Recovery. Where she strives to achieve results with the implementation of hypnotherapy and the incredible mind-body connection. Due to her concentration of work falling out of the scope of avocational, vocational, motivational, inspirational and general improvement with traditional hypnotherapy; she often requires referrals from her client’s medical doctor (who has performed their medical evaluation and sees no contraindication to hypnotherapy in adjunct to their prescribed treatment plan) and/or from the client’s mental health care professional (who has also confirmed that hypnotherapy is not contraindicated to the client’s interest and would be a beneficial adjunct to their prescribed treatment plan.).

The next stepping stone of her ambitions and plans are to enroll at Antioch University’s bridged Bachelor ‘BA’ / Masters ‘MA’ matriculation program with HMI, during the year of 2024. She is only waiting to hear the finalizations and announcements on this matriculation agreement going “live”. While still holding onto every intention of obtaining her Clinical Psychology ‘PhD’ through ISU, in the years proceeding her studies with Antioch. Eventually, she might even be interested in one day becoming a professor of psychology at ISU, in adjunct to her own private practice.

She is an active Member of the American Hypnosis Association ‘AHA’. Demonstrating a diligence towards her commitment in consistent attendance to all AHA Conferences, as well as her continual growth through an actively participating with lifelong continuing education within the field of Hypnotherapy and Mind-Body Psychology. This commitment and insatiable hunger for knowledge and understanding is plainly seen within the extensive number of classes and hours she indulged herself in during her time as a student at HMI, and the support she additionally has so willingly extended to her peers and colleagues without expectation or judgement.

Hypnotherapy Specialties

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic Pain
  • Cravings
  • Death
  • Fears
  • Guilt
  • Immune System
  • Improve Health
  • Insomnia
  • Motivation
  • Pain Management
  • Perfectionism
  • Phobias
  • Self Criticism
  • Shame
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Stop Smoking
  • Stress
  • Tinnitus
  • Weight Loss


Jacalyn is an active Member of the American Hypnosis Association ‘AHA’, and attends all of the AHA Conferences as a portion of her continuing education participation throughout the year.

Throughout her studies her primary area of concentration has been in Pain Management and Trauma Recovery; in the nature of Emotional, Psychological, and Physical applications and symptomatic treatment. She holds Specializations in Hypnosis and Pain Management, Trauma Recovery Hypnosis and a number of other related and complimentary specializations, such as; Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique ‘EFT’ (Tapping), Advanced Handwriting Analysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ‘CBT’, Emergency Hypnosis, Healing the Inner Child, Hypnosis for Clients with Cancer, Hypnosis and Grief Recovery, Hypnosis and PTSD, Hypnosis and Seniors, Hypnosis and Tinnitus, Hypnosis and Weight Loss, Hypnosis for Immune Disorders, Hypnosis for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders, Motivational Interviewing ‘MI’, Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis, and Smoking Cessation.

In addition to her deep appreciation for learning, Jacalyn has had a burning passion for art since her childhood. She has been a self-proclaimed ‘Artist’ since early childhood. And she still uses art as a therapeutic emotional-release in present-day. Throughout the years she has won various art contests, including contests that she was volunteered for by her instructors surprise submissions of her work. Due to this background she was particularly attracted to her class on Therapeutic Journaling in her first year of studies.

She spent the majority and bulk of her earlier work within in the culinary industry as a fine dining server and bartender. Where she developed great appreciation for exquisite food and beverage pairings. This passion carries over into her personal life in cooking quality meals from home, while optimizing flavor with health for balanced and nutritious meals. In which she bases the nutritional guidelines off of Keith Klein, CN, CCN’s ‘Lean Body Coaching‘ 6-month program; where she is an active member of the LEAN BODY COACHING community and prior student of the completed 6-month program.

Currently, she is studying for her ISSA Nutritionist credential. This will provide her with a necessary qualification needed to more comprehensively address and assist her weight loss management clients. By further establishing the importance of creating healthy and acceptable dietary choices, aiding them in their pursuit to achieve sustainable weight loss results. With genuine belief that this is an absolutely vital part of also achieving more emotional stability; since gut bacteria manufacture about 95 percent of the body’s supply of serotonin, which influences both mood and GI activity. And as of today, science has shown that there are more than 50 gut hormone genes and a multitude of bioactive peptides, which makes the gut as the largest endocrine organ of the body.

Science is proving that the human body consists of three brains; Head, Heart, and Gut have complex neural pathways that work together. Listening to all three of them is key to making better decisions. This theory is supported through many research studies with the Gut-Brain-Axis, the Head-Heart Body Connection, HeartMath (Heart Coherence), Epigenetics, Bessel van der Kolk’s ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ research, Candace Pert’s ‘Molecules of Emotion’ research, and Brené Brown’s extensive emotion research is among countless other research studies that support the importance of the biology of our emotions. All research surmounting to the fact that as human beings we are biological and emotional beings on a cellular level. Thusly, our subconscious emotions are at the root of our essence and the human experience/existence is through our very biology.

Inquire today, and schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to see if Hypnosis with Jacalyn Duncan, CCHT, CAHA is of benefit to you.


  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with High Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy – 818-758-2747
    Date Started: 01/25/2022 – Date Graduated: 03/02/2023
    Total Hours: 1,555/720 – Total Weeks: 52 – Total Years: 1
  • Associate of Occupational Studies in Mind-Body Psychology with Honors
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy – 818-758-2700
    Date Started: 04/03/2023 – Date Graduated: 04/08/2024
    Total Hours: 2,965/720 – Total Weeks: 52 – Total Years: 1

Continuing Education

‘The Art of Living’ with Matthew McConaughey (Virtual Live Event – VIP Fast Pass) – 04/2023

Continuing Education from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. 5 Powerful Ways to Launch, Market, and Grow Your Hypnotherapy Practice – 01/2023
  2. A Primer on Transpersonal Psychology – 04/2023
  3. Advanced Advertising and Promotion – 11/2022
  4. Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique – 01/2023
  5. Aging Well: Staying Sharp with Hypnotherapy – 11/2022
  6. Body Syndromes – 03/2022
  7. Body/Mind Imaging – Creating Powerful, Personal Presence – 01/2023
  8. Build and Enhance your Hypnotherapy Practice with Group Hypnosis – 11/2022
  9. Business Basics: Tools to Get, Retain and Help More Clients – 01/2023
  10. Cancer: The Path of Diagnosis to Hypnosis – 01/2023
  11. Cheryl O’Neil/Anthony – Grief – 02/2023
  12. Cheryl O’Neil/April – Confidence for Auditions – 05/2022
  13. Cheryl O’Neil/Justine – Stop Smoking – 09/2023
  14. Cheryl O’Neil/Linda – Weight Loss, Mend Broken Heart – 05/2023
  15. Cheryl O’Neil/Patrick – Motivation for Writing Novel – 04/2024
  16. Clearing up Traumas at the Energy Level – 01/2023
  17. Clinical Case History Package 1 – 03/2022
  18. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis – 06/2022
  19. Conversations with Ghosts and Gods: Imaginal Dialogue in Therapy – 11/2022
  20. Create a Professional Zoom Group Experience – 08/2022
  21. Creating a Professional Zoom Room – 03/2022
  22. Creating Easy and Effortless Hypnosis Workshops – 01/2023
  23. Creating Hypnosis Retreats – 06/2024
  24. Crystal Singing Bowls and Hypnosis – 11/2022
  25. Doing Time – Rehabilitating the Incarcerated – 01/2023
  26. Dr. Kappas Atlanta Series – 03/2024
  27. Dream Interpretation – The Key to Unlocking Your Subconscious – 02/2024
  28. Elaine Perliss/Beverly – Claustrophobia – 04/2024
  29. Elaine Perliss/Carla – Fear of Flying – 04/2024
  30. Elaine Perliss/Jane – Improve Willpower – 04/2024
  31. Elaine Perliss/Joe – Curious About Hypnosis – 04/2024
  32. Elaine Perliss/Julia – Gaining Control – 04/2024
  33. Elaine Perliss/Mary – Stop Smoking – 04/2024
  34. Elaine Perliss/Nataly – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – 09/2023
  35. Elaine Perliss/Shane – Test Taking Anxiety – 04/2024
  36. Embracing Your Shadow Self – 01/2023
  37. Emergency Hypnosis – 03/2024
  38. Emotional and Physical Sexuality 1 – 04/2022
  39. Emotional Resiliency and the Actor – 11/2022
  40. Empowered Speaking for Success – 04/2023
  41. Enhance Public Speaking and Build Clientele with Your Uniqueness – 06/2024
  42. Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapeutic Metaphors – 11/2022
  43. Ericksonian Hypnosis and Trance Phenomena – 11/2022
  44. Ethics and Boundaries for California Therapists – 01/2023
  45. Everybody Rides the Carousel – 08/2023
  46. Explode Your Practice with Phone and Skype Sessions – 11/2022
  47. Extreme Self Care: Feed Your True Needs, Say Goodbye to Cravings – 02/2023
  48. First Three Hypnosis Sessions – 03/2022
  49. Getting Comfortable with Silence – 11/2022
  50. Hacking Happiness Hormones – 11/2022
  51. Healing Developmental Trauma and Adaptation with Hypnosis – 01/2023
  52. Healing Power of Hypnotic Scripts – 06/2024
  53. Healing the Inner Child Certification – 12/2023
  54. Healthy Boundaries – 06/2022
  55. Heart Medicine: Stop Painful Patterns and Find Peace and Freedom – 11/2022
  56. Help Your Clients Overcome Writer’s Block – 01/2023
  57. Helping Hypnotherapy Clients with Driving Anxiety – 11/2022
  58. HMI Book Club with Marc Gravelle, CHt – 03/2022
  59. HMI Student and Graduate Tips for Creating More Ease and Success – 10/2023
  60. Hoarding: How It Can Harm, How You Can Help – 04/2023
  61. Holotropic Breathwork: A Teacher’s Perspective – 04/2023
  62. How Forgiveness Impacts Brain Functioning – 01/2023
  63. How Not to Give into Naysayers – 01/2023
  64. How to Release Self-Limiting Beliefs – 04/2023
  65. Hypnosis and Anxiety – 11/2022
  66. Hypnosis Falsely Blamed – 10/2023
  67. Hypnosis for Past Life Regression Therapy – 11/2022
  68. Hypnosis in History – 01/2022
  69. Hypnotherapy and Rehab: An Inside Look – 01/2023
  70. Hypnotic Remedies for Three Productivity Poisons – 01/2023
  71. Important Dynamics in Creating Successful Relationships – 01/2023
  72. Integrative Depth Psychology and Psychotherapy: Clinical Application – 11/2022
  73. Intimate Conversations with Dr. John Kappas – 03/2022
  74. Introduction to Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – 11/2022
  75. Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – 10/2023
  76. Introduction to Motivational Interviewing – 02/2024
  77. Introduction to Energy Healing and Energy Medicine – 12/2023
  78. Introduction to Mind-Body Psych – 12/2023
  79. Introduction to Positive Psychology – 11/2022
  80. Introduction to Professional Podcasting – 11/2022
  81. Introduction to Somatic and Parts Work for Healing Trauma – 11/2022
  82. Introduction to the Embodied Mind Theory – 11/2022
  83. Intuitive and Energy Healing – 05/2022
  84. Is it Intuition, or is it NLP? – 11/2022
  85. Is Our Soul a Secret Problem Solver? – 05/2023
  86. John McCarthy/Belinda – Bad Eating Habits – 04/2024
  87. John Melton/Genevieve – Trypophobia – Fear of Seeing Small Holes – Session 1 of 6 – 04/2024
  88. John Melton/Genevieve – Trypophobia – Fear of Seeing Small Holes – Session 2 of 6 – 04/2024
  89. John Melton/Genevieve – Trypophobia – Fear of Seeing Small Holes – Session 3 of 6 – 04/2024
  90. John Melton/Genevieve – Trypophobia – Fear of Seeing Small Holes – Session 4 of 6 – 04/2024
  91. John Melton/Genevieve – Trypophobia – Fear of Seeing Small Holes – Session 5 of 6 – 04/2024
  92. John Melton/Genevieve – Trypophobia – Fear of Seeing Small Holes – Session 6 of 6 – 04/2024
  93. John Melton/Karen – Fear of Learning to Swim – 04/2024
  94. John Melton/Logan – Emotions – 03/2024
  95. John Melton/Todd – Anxiety and Panic Attacks – 09/2023
  96. jumpSTART 2024! – 01/2024
  97. Kappasinian Hypnosis – 03/2022
  98. Lisa Machenberg/Aaron – Starting a Business – 05/2023
  99. Lisa Machenberg/Anniko – Stress Management – 04/2024
  100. Lisa Machenberg/Carissa – School Anxiety, Relationship – 04/2024
  101. Lisa Machenberg/Carol – Attracting the Right Relationship – 04/2024
  102. Lisa Machenberg/Diane – Driving Anxiety – 04/2024
  103. Lisa Machenberg/Harrison – Family Trauma – 09/2023
  104. Lisa Machenberg/Jay – Creativity and Focus – 04/2024
  105. Lisa Machenberg/Joey – Sports Performance – 04/2024
  106. Lisa Machenberg/Katie – Attracting the Right Relationship – 04/2024
  107. Lisa Machenberg/Lauree – Stop Smoking – 04/2024
  108. Lisa Machenberg/Mary – Weight Loss and Eating Habits – 09/2023
  109. Lisa Machenberg/Melanie – Depression and Overeating – 04/2024
  110. Lisa Machenberg/Nicci – Motivation After Divorce – 09/2023
  111. Lisa Machenberg/Robert – Hyper Vigilance and Anxiety – 04/2024
  112. Lisa Machenberg/Wendy – Smoking Cessation – 04/2024
  113. Lisa Machenberg/Yuki – Cheek Biting Habit – 03/2024
  114. Make Anxiety Your Best Friend – 11/2022
  115. Make Your Hypnotherapy Material Look Professional – 06/2022
  116. Making Fast and Permanent Change – 11/2022
  117. Making the Unconscious Conscious – 11/2022
  118. Marc Gravelle/Chuck – Self-Defeating Attitude – 02/2023
  119. Marc Gravelle/Eva – Improve Focus, Insomnia – 01/2023
  120. Marc Gravelle/Ian – Learning Focus and Organization – 02/2023
  121. Marc Gravelle/Karen – Rebellious with Authority – 02/2023
  122. Marc Gravelle/Karen – Weight Loss and Career Guidance – 02/2023
  123. Marc Gravelle/Kenny – Self Confidence – 02/2023
  124. Marc Gravelle/Laura – Stop Smoking and Driving Anxiety – 02/2023
  125. Marc Gravelle/Lucretia – Weight Loss and Accepting Success – 02/2023
  126. Marc Gravelle/Magdalena – Stage and Audition Confidence – 03/2023
  127. Marc Gravelle/Marc – Focus to Become a Faith Healer – 03/2023
  128. Marc Gravelle/Maureen – Stop Smoking – 03/2023
  129. Marc Gravelle/Rachel – Relationship Strategies, Fear of Dogs – 03/2023
  130. Marc Gravelle/Regina – Fear of Flying – 03/2023
  131. Marc Gravelle/Richard – Procrastination While Writing – 03/2023
  132. Marc Gravelle/Tatiana – Self Confidence, Achieving Goals – 05/2023
  133. Marketing Mastery – The Basics of Building your Practice – 01/2023
  134. Master the Arm Raising – 02/2022
  135. Mental Bank Magic – 08/2022
  136. Mental Bank Seminar – 05/2022
  137. Michele Guzy/Barbara – Animal Communication – 04/2024
  138. Michele Guzy/Diego – Procrastination – 05/2023
  139. Michele Guzy/Jessica – Motivation for Writing – 04/2024
  140. Michele Guzy/John – Self-Confidence and Meeting New People – 03/2024
  141. Michele Guzy/Suzanne – Weight Loss – 04/2024
  142. Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy – 01/2023
  143. Mindfulness in Mind-Body Psychology – 02/2023
  144. Mindfulness, Intention, and Meditation – 05/2023
  145. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) – 11/2022
  146. Mindfulness: From the Perspective of Transpersonal Psychology – 04/2023
  147. NLP: Principles and Strategies of Success – 01/2023
  148. Numerology – The Language of Numbers as a Tool for Success! – 11/2022
  149. Parts Therapy – A Powerful 4 Step Process to Changing Lives – 11/2022
  150. Psychedelics and Transpersonal Psychology: An Interview with Dr. Hartelius – 04/2023
  151. Psychosynthesis: Creative Imagination and the Expansion of Consciousness – 02/2023
  152. Research Articles Course – 03/2022
  153. Risk Assessment – 12/2023
  154. Sacred Breath and the Human Potential – 01/2023
  155. Say What?! Using Radio, TV, Writing and Talks to Build Your Practice – 01/2023
  156. Shadows, Sabotage and Subconscious Success – 04/2023
  157. Sigil Magic Imagery – Draw your Way to Success – 01/2023
  158. So you want to write a book?! – 01/2023
  159. Social Media Marketing from Your Smartphone – 01/2023
  160. Spiritual Tarot: Hypnotic Applications for the Archetypes of Tarot – 01/2023
  161. Spoon Bending – Come to the PK Party! – 11/2022
  162. STOP IT: Overcome Overthinking for Good – 02/2024
  163. Staff Class with Dr. John Kappas – 04/2022
  164. Stress Relief Techniques – 01/2023
  165. Subtleties of Hypnotherapy – 03/2022
  166. Successful Branding of Your Hypnotherapist Career – 06/2024
  167. Super Power Style: Dressing with Intention – 11/2022
  168. Superbrain Yoga and Pranic Healing – 01/2023
  169. Synesthesia: The Neuroscience of Metaphor – 04/2023
  170. Taking Positive Psychology to Corporations – 01/2023
  171. Taming the Critical Inner Voice – 05/2023
  172. Tanya Nord/Katie – Foreign Language Difficulties – 04/2024
  173. Tanya Nord/Laala – Career Focus and Confidence – 05/2023
  174. Tanya Nord/Melody – Test Anxiety – 04/2024
  175. Tanya Nord/Vivian – Motivation in Career – 05/2023
  176. Tapping the Subconscious through Conversational Hypnosis – 11/2022
  177. Teens – Managing Stress in this Fast-Paced Competitive World – 11/2022
  178. The 12 Steps of AA and Hypnotherapy – 11/2022
  179. The Art of Positive Thinking – 04/2023
  180. The Art of Wish-Making – 11/2022
  181. The Basic Understanding and Principles of NLP – 01/2023
  182. The Client Drought, A Shift in Perspective Can Shift Your Experience – 11/2022
  183. The Decision Factor – 11/2022
  184. The Eel and the Blowfish: A Graphic Novel of Dreams, Trauma, and Healing – 08/2022
  185. The Empty Leash – Hypnosis and the Loss of a Beloved Pet – 06/2022
  186. The Enneagram as the Gateway to Hypnotic Trance – 01/2023
  187. The First and Second Waves of Transpersonal Psychology – 04/2023
  188. The Gifts of Trauma – 01/2023
  189. The Incredible Power of the Mind/Body Connection – 01/2023
  190. The Insider Secret to Generating and Retaining New Clients – 01/2023
  191. The Power of Colors – 01/2023
  192. Therapeutic Creative Journaling – 11/2022
  193. Thirteen Breaths to Freedom – 08/2022
  194. Transcendent Aspects of the Human Experience – 11/2022
  195. Transformation: Tools for Changing Behavior – 01/2023
  196. Truly Mindful Coloring – 11/2022
  197. Understanding and Working with Older Patients – 11/2022
  198. Understanding the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous – 05/2022
  199. Uplifting Depression – How Hypnotherapy Can Help – 11/2022
  200. Using Hypnosis in Dealing with Change – 04/2023
  201. When the Calling to Help Becomes the Obstacle – 06/2022
  202. Why Can’t Anyone See My Website? – 06/2022
  203. Why Your Hypnotherapy Website is so Important! – 02/2023
  204. Wisdom of the Body-Mind in Hypnotherapy – 11/2022
  205. Working with Children and Children on the Autism Spectrum – 01/2023


  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
    American Hypnosis Association – 818-758-2700
    Certification Number: 011055
    Certification Valid To: Jun 04, 2027
  • Certified ISSA Nutritionist Coach
    International Sports Sciences Association
    Certification Number: 5197032
    Certification Valid To: May 05, 2026

Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association

  1. Advanced Handwriting Analysis – 11/2022
  2. Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming – 11/2022
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – 12/2023
  4. Healing the Inner Child – 12/2023
  5. Hypnosis and ADHD – 06/2024
  6. Hypnosis and Childbirth – 06/2024
  7. Hypnosis and Grief Recovery – 05/2023
  8. Hypnosis and Pain Management – 11/2022
  9. Hypnosis and PTSD – 05/2023
  10. Hypnosis and Seniors – 03/2024
  11. Hypnosis and Tinnitus – 06/2022
  12. Hypnosis and Transgender Clients – 11/2022
  13. Hypnosis and Weight Loss – 06/2022
  14. Hypnosis for Clients with Cancer – 03/2024
  15. Hypnosis for Immune Disorders – 06/2022
  16. Hypnosis for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders – 01/2023
  17. Hypnosis for Test Anxiety and Success – 06/2024
  18. Hypnosis for the Caregiver – 06/2024
  19. Mental and Emotional Release® Therapy – 11/2022
  20. Motivational Interviewing – 03/2024
  21. Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis – 08/2023
  22. Smoking Cessation – 11/2022
  23. Trauma Recovery Hypnosis – 03/2024


  • High Honors Graduate – AOS Degree Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – 04/08/2024
  • Director’s Award
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – 02/27/2023
  • Academic Achievement Award
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – 01/11/2024
  • Clinical Achievement Award
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – 01/11/2024
  • Honors Graduate – Clinical Hypnotherapy Program
    Hypnosis Motivation Institute – 03/02/2023

Professional Memberships

  • American Hypnosis Association
    Member Since: 2022
  • Hypnotherapists Union Local 472
    Member Since: 2022


Hypno Practique

Languages Spoken

  • English

Contact Information

Jacalyn E. Duncan
Hypno Practique LLC
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404, United States
